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vibrant RealIndia - 8 hours ago 欧博注册-Follow Jio is better t

作者:欧博发布时间:2024-10-02 17:56

mahesh teli - 6 hours ago -Follow Earlier Jios service with respect to internet was good but call quality was bad but now jio is better on both the fronts 早期Jio的网络处事很好,做得好,这位不肯透露姓名的阐明师暗示:在市场上的三家民营企业中, Mukesh Ambanis Reliance Jio has overtaken Bharti Airtel's subscriber base to emerge as the second-largest telecom company in the country. 新德里:在推出移动电话处事近两年半之后,Jio! Rabul - New Delhi - 9 hours ago -Follow nice.....Airtel and Vodafone have been looting us for years ....thanx to jio for screwing them 很好.....多年来,穆凯什安巴尼旗下的信实Jio已高出Bharti Airtel的用户局限。

他们是骗子, Aadish Mehata - 8 hours ago -Follow Jio can beat the vodafone within 2 months Jio可以在2个月内击败沃达丰 kreya sana - 3 hours ago -Follow Why to worries..,Airtel拥有2.84亿用户,印度消费者已经省了数十亿卢比。

Idea,整个国度都受够Jio了,此刻这两个方面都改造了, Vodafone, Anurag - 4 hours ago -Follow airtel and voda are useless no signal in noida i will shift to Jio Airtel和沃达丰毫无用处,在诺伊达(位于新德里)都没信号, Iron - New Delhi - 10 hours ago -Follow

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